NYC Health Hackathon: 1st Place Team
2021: Cornell Engineering Innovation Competition
The Cornell Engineering Innovation Competition is a university-led competition that allows student teams to showcase physical prototypes of “real-world” ideations to compete for prizes. Additional information could be found on their website here.
Our team submitted to this competition in March, 2021.
2020: Collegiate Inventors Competition
The Collegiate Inventors Competition (CIC) is a university-led invention competition that brings together top talents of the nation to showcase, recognize and reward their cutting-edge research and discoveries. More information could be found on their website here.
Our team plans to submit future project ideas to this competition, starting Spring 2020.
2019: Create the Future
Our team plans to submit future project ideas to this competition, starting Spring 2020. Create the Future Design Contest is an annual design competition hosted by Tech Briefs to stimulate and reward engineering innovation. Submissions are judged on their novelty, potential benefits, market potential, and cost-effective production. Strong emphasis is placed on designs that serve a public good. The annual event has attracted more than 14,000 product design ideas from engineers, entrepreneurs, and students worldwide.
We have submitted our Spring ‘19 project, ‘FastenPro’, to this competition. Learn more here.